Washington D.C. Part III
This was their first time in a Chinatown. I was really tempted to stop while crossing the crosswalk to take a direct picture of the gate. The stereotypical Peking Ducks hanging in the window: We had time the morning of our flight to visit Arlington Cemetery during open hours. Christopher had learned about the Tomb…
Washington D.C. Part II
The next day we went to the Air and Space Museum. There was a lot of hands on experiences for the boys here. They learned about flight, magnets, designed and flew their own fighter jets. The Spirit of St. Louis: Learning to fly like a bird: We got to meet up with an old friend…
Washington D.C. 2015
The boys’ fall break was a little later this year. Usually, we squeeze in our last beach trip where we can swim in the ocean. Fall break was mid October this year and we decided it would be a great time for a D.C. trip. We got a great deal on flights and hotel. Our…
Winston-Salem, NC
For Uncle Nick’s Birthday, and Labor Day, we decided to go visit him in Winston-Salem. It was such a pretty area. There are mountains nearby and Krispy Kreme’s Headquarters. How could it be bad? There’s also a really nice historical district. We went for a hike in the Grandfather Mountain area. The mile high swinging…